One week to sublimate the crate.
Designing a manufacturing process.
Playing with Polyfloss.
A soft-boiled egg opener.
An upcycled tumble stool.
Exploring the potentialities of electronic paper.
A foldable hydrofoil.
An homemade CNC platform for experimenting.
Understanding the inner beauty of a product.
A low-fi synthetiser.
A soft concrete stool.
A new set of recycling bins for Marseille.
A sweet candy pellet sprayer.
A handmade wooden canoe.
A vase that explores home-manufacturing.
A lamp that explores home-manufacturing.
A curious salt-shaker.
Some more interactive furniture.
A phygital playground.
An entertainment piece of furniture.
A multilayer pair of glasses.
A famous stick vacuum cleaner.
A famous canister vacuum cleaner.
A famous upright vacuum cleaner.
An experimental food-waste material.
Another way to detect household fires.
An impossible chair.
A set of tools to facilitate the painting experience.